It is a violation of Federal law to use this pro duct in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
General Precautions and Restrictions: Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. Following application as a low pressure or high pressure spray, do not enter or allow others to enter the treated area until sprays have dried. Thoroughly ventilate entire closed area after fogging applications. Do not enter, allow other persons to enter, house livestock, or use equipment in the treated area until ventilation is complete and any liquid has been absorbed, set, or dried. For entry into fogged areas before ventilation is complete and the fog has completely dissipated, all persons must wear the personal protective equipment, including a full-face respirator, required in the precautionary statement section of this labeling for applicators and other handlers.
General Information: TEK-TROL is a synthetic detergent with broad spectrum kill of gram positive and gram negative microorganisms, provides effective cleaning and disinfecting in one operation, non -flammable and non- volatile in use dilutions, excellent solubility, dilutes in hot, cold, soft or hard water of up to l000 ppm water hardness.
The TEK-TROL high foaming detergent system has been especially formulated to provide heavy duty cleaning, wetting and penetration of soils and organic matter and easy rinsing of surfaces. Excellent clinging foam is obtained at 1/2 oz. per gallon of water (l:256) to provide prolonged contact time.
TEK-TROL, at 1/2 oz. per gallon of water (1:256) provides residu al control of odor causing bacteria in the presence of moisture.
TEK-TROL is recommended for use when used as directed on ceramic and glazed t ile surfaces, stainless steel, aluminum, chrome, galvanized metal, glass, and other hard non-porous environmental surfaces such as treated wood, polyethylene, polypropylene, PVC (polyvinyl chloride), polystyrene, vinyl, fiberglass, viton, ethylene propylene, nitrile, acrylic, and polyurethane.
TEK-TROL at 1/2 oz. per gallon of water (1:256) is suited for disinfecting and cleaning hard nonporous environmental surfaces in all areas of: swine producing facilities, including farrowing and nursery units, finishing floors, grow barns, confinement units, and transport vehicles; poultry, turkey, duck, ratite, and avian rearing facilities, including grow-out breeder barns, laying operations, and hatcheries, including hatchers and setters, evaporative coolers, fogging systems, humidifying systems, live haul equipment, chick busses, transfer trucks, coop washing, chick boxes, foot pans, trays, feed bins and buggies; calving facilities, including calf hutches and pens, freshening pens, and birthing pens; equine facilities including stables, stalls, breeding and foaling sheds and transport vehicles; hospitals, medical research centers, health care facilities, schools, animal care facilities and research centers, laboratories, veterinary clinics, zoos, and kennels. TEK-TROL can also be used as a wall and floor cleaner in poultry and meat processing plants, meat packing plants, frozen food and canning operations.
TEK-TROL is recommended for use in fogging (wet misting) operations as an adjunct sanitizer of room surfaces ei ther preceding or following regular clean ing and disinfecting procedures. Use at a dilution of 1/2 oz. per gallon (1:256). Leave the room when fogging. In well ventilated areas, such as hatcheries, only 10 to 15 minutes is necessary before reentering. If used in a poorly ventilated area, allow at least 2 hours, or air thoroughly, before reentry. Before fogging in food processing areas, all food and foodpackaging items must be removed or carefully protected. To thoroughly clean and disinfect room surfaces, before or after fogging, scrub with TEK-TROL at 1/2 oz. per gallon (1:256). Disinfected food contact surfaces must be rinsed with potable water prior to reuse.
Toxicity tests required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for TEK-TROL DISINFECTANT-CLEANER have been done in conformity with the EPA Good Laboratory Practice Regulations.